3 Retainer Mistakes After Braces

Orthodontic treatment can dramatically improve your smile. There are a number of treatment options that can address your dental issues. No matter what orthodontic treatment option you use, it’s important to remember that your treatment doesn’t end once your braces are off or your aligners trays are completed. Orthodontic treatment extends beyond that as you’ll need to focus on preserving your results. Wearing your retainer for the recommended amount of time and following your dental provider’s instructions is necessary. Patients often make 3 retainer mistakes after braces. Below you will find out how you can avoid common mistakes to ensure your orthodontic results last.

3 Retainer Mistakes After Braces

You may think you are done with treatment once your braces are off. However, there are things you need to do to ensure your results last. Below you will find the common retainer mistakes to avoid after braces.

Not Wearing Your Retainer

Avoiding wearing your retainer or not wearing it as recommended is the biggest mistake you can make after braces treatment. It is crucial to wear your retainer after orthodontic treatment to preserve your results. This is because your teeth tend to gradually shift back into the position they were in before braces. This can destroy your results and be a waste of time and money you spent during braces treatment. To maintain your results from your dental braces in Los Angeles, you’ll need to wear your retainer as recommended by your dental provider.

Not Using Your Retainer Case

Carrying around your retainer case should be second nature if you have had braces. This is because it is important to use your retainer case to protect your retainer and your oral health. People can get lazy and wrap their retainer in a napkin or just set it down somewhere. This can expose you to unnecessary germs that can cause dental issues. In addition, your retainer case can also ensure that your retainer doesn’t get easily lost or broken. Keeping your retainer case with you at all times can help protect your oral health and your retainer.

Not Cleaning Your Retainer

Cleaning your retainer is just as important as your daily oral care routine. Because your retainer is in your mouth, it should be cared for just like your oral health. Your retainer holds your teeth in position which means it needs to be cleaned thoroughly. Without cleaning it, harmful bacteria can place your oral health at a higher risk for dental issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. It is important to clean your retainer on a daily basis. In addition, you should rinse your retainer and your mouth after you eat and before you put your retainer back in. Clean your retainer case regularly as well to ensure that there isn’t a transfer of harmful bacteria when you place your retainer in the case.

Retainers in Los Angeles

Each patient has a different treatment plan when it comes to their retainer. Some need to wear it for most of the day, while others only need to wear it at night. No matter how long you need to wear your retainer for, it’s crucial to follow your dental provider’s recommendations. In addition to wearing your retainer for the recommended amount of time, you should also avoid the common mistakes people make when it comes to their retainer. This can help ensure your treatment results last and that you avoid unnecessary dental issues. The Best Brace Place can help you avoid the pitfalls of not caring for your retainers in Los Angeles. Contact their office today to schedule an appointment!

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