Invisalign in Los Angeles

If you are tired of conspicuous and noticeable braces, Invisalign may be the option for you. Invisalign is the preferred option for those who wish to correct or prevent common dental and jaw issues without anyone noticing.

At Best Brace Place, our orthodontist, Dr. Lee, excels at applying clear braces like Invisalign so that you can count on a reliable road to a beautiful smile.

What are the Benefits of Invisalign?

There are a variety of benefits to using Invisalign, including:

  • Clear braces keep your treatment discreet
  • More comfortable than traditional metal wire braces
  • Aligners can be removed for meals and can reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth decay
  • Less time than conventional braces
  • and more

We provide you with a fully realized treatment plan, so you are fully aware of what the treatment entails before you begin.

Why are Braces/Aligners Important?

Braces, whether clear or not, are important for staving off a variety of tooth issues. These include

  • Overbite
  • Crossbite
  • Gap Teeth
  • Crooked Teeth
  • and much more.

It is imperative that you or your child receive brace treatment at some point in your life. This is especially essential if your child is in adolescence, as this ensures that tooth issues do not develop later in his or her life.

What does the treatment entail?

Invisalign treatment typically occurs in five stages:

  1. Consultation
    • Invisalign may not be suitable for all patients. We will evaluate your specific orthodontic issue during our consultation to determine if your insurance can cover the treatment.
  2. Treatment Plan Creation:
    • If Invisalign treatment is right for you, we will start by taking x-rays of your teeth. These are then sent to Invisalign so they can in turn create trays that will best fit your teeth.
  3. Begin Treatment
    • After some time, the trays will be delivered to our office, and we will help apply them to your teeth. The trays must be worn in a specific order for about two weeks each and then switched to a new tray. This is necessary because the aligners continually straighten your teeth, which means they must be continually replaced with new aligners.
  4. Smile Refinement
    • In some cases, some additional treatment after the last tray will be necessary to further adjust your teeth. This is accomplished with special trays from Invisalign, which may take up to a month to arrive.
  5. Smile Maintenance
    • To ensure your treatment has lasting effects, you may need to wear a retainer for a while afterward.

How long will the process take?

Invisalign generally takes about 20 weeks for most adults. However, results should be evident within three months of starting the treatment.

What should I keep in mind while Undergoing the Treatment?

Invisalign trays are simple to use, but they require upkeep. Invisalign trays should be removed when you are eating or brushing your teeth. When you brush your teeth, you should clean the trays using a toothbrush or toothpaste. Ensure you wash the trays out with cool water; warm water is not suitable for the tray.

You should also stick to water when wearing the trays–any other liquid could cause sugars and acids to become trapped under the aligners.

Are there alternatives to Invisalign?

Several brands of braces are similar to Invisalign, and there is also the more conventional clear braces treatment. These are similar to Invisalign in that they are largely unnoticeable. However, clear braces are attached to the patient’s teeth and stay there until the end of the treatment plan, whereas Invisalign trays can be removed. For this reason, clear braces are sometimes preferred by parents who are worried their children will not commit to keeping the Invisalign trays as long as they should. However, dental hygiene is often easier with Invisalign than with more conventional braces, where more thorough brushing is often essential.

Get Started Today!

At our Los Angeles orthodontist clinic, we have what you need to get started on your way to better, straighter, healthier teeth. So call for a consultation today!

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