Tongue Thrust in Los Angeles

If you find yourself or your child struggling with tongue thrust, you can rest assured that help is available. Tongue thrusting can have severe consequences for one’s teeth and mouth if not appropriately handled. You may find yourself dealing with an open bite, a lisp, or other orthodontic issues. Don’t wait! If you are having trouble with a tongue thrust, visit our Los Angeles Orthodontist office today for a consultation.

What is Tongue Thrusting?

Tongue thrusting is a form of a muscular imbalance involving a tongue that protrudes through the front teeth. This can occur when the individual talks, swallows, or even simply when the tongue is at rest. This is a normal occurrence in infants who are still breastfed or bottle-fed, but ideally, your child should begin to grow out of it around about six months.

If your child is still experiencing tongue thrust after age 4, they may experience orthodontic problems later in their life. Therefore, it is essential to bring your children in for an orthodontic evaluation to see if these issues are present.

Keep in mind; tongue thrust can continue into adulthood if not correctly rectified.

Signs that someone has tongue thrust include

  • Tongue noticeably protruding through or against teeth
  • Frequent open mouth resting position/mouth breathing
  • Cracked or charred lips
  • Open bite
  • and more.

What are the dangers of tongue thrust?

Untreated tongue thrust can affect how your teeth develop. Remember, every time you swallow (typically between 1,000 and 2,000 times a day), your tongue exerts pressure on your teeth. If your tongue thrusts between the gap in your upper and lower teeth, this can affect how those teeth develop, leading to malocclusion later in life. Over a long enough time, a gap can form between your top and bottom teeth, making things like speech and eating difficult.

What causes tongue thrust?

A variety of issues in your mouth can cause your tongue to thrust in such a way. These include:

  • Poor swallowing habits
  • Allergies
  • Enlarged tonsils
  • Enlarged tongue
  • Obstructions to breathing such as adenoids
  • Tongue-tie
  • Prolonged use of pacifiers or thumb-sucking
  • orofacial muscular imbalance
  • and more.

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