Braces for Teens and Adults in Los Angeles

Whether you are a teen or an adult, you could gain a range of benefits from seeking orthodontic treatment. Our braces for teens and adults in LA allow our patients to not only feel better about how their teeth look, but can keep their dental health intact. We provide several options for braces, matching each patient with the right choice for them.

About Braces for Teens

In general, getting braces as a teen often proves the ideal time for orthodontic treatment. A teen’s baby teeth should all have fallen out and been replaced by their permanent ones. Additionally, their bodies are still changing and can adapt incredibly well to braces or other orthodontic treatments.

However, few teenagers will be excited by the prospect of wearing highly noticeable braces over their teeth for a year or more. That is why we provide such a wide range of colors and other options for braces, so your teen can feel a part of the process. Our goal is to help your teen get through orthodontic treatment with as little stress as possible, and we aim to provide results they will love once their treatment is complete.

About Braces for Adults

While an adult’s body has stopped going through the growth and changes a teen experiences, they can still improve their teeth with braces. But having braces can almost be harder on adults than teens. After all, braces are almost expected for teens. When it comes to braces for adults, we provide several options that can decrease the visibility of your braces. From hidden braces to clear braces, we work with patients to find what can be the least visible for them. But that doesn’t mean you can’t also rock your braces and choose a vibrant color to match your style!

Benefits of Braces

The main goal of having braces is to get your teeth into alignment. This cosmetic improvement is often on our patients’ minds the most and is certainly one of the top benefits of having braces. But braces don’t only improve the look of your smile, they also can improve the health of your teeth. Malocclusion (or having misaligned teeth) can make cleaning them properly tricky, which puts your teeth at greater risk for developing tooth decay.

Having a set of fully aligned teeth makes brushing and flossing them much easier. This in turn keeps your teeth and your smile healthy for years to come. But there are even more benefits to braces, depending on your individual situation. Below you can find all the potential benefits of braces for teens and adults.

  • Improved Confidence: It is hard not to smile with a beautiful set of fully aligned teeth.
  • Boost in Oral Health: Brush and floss better with aligned teeth for healthier gums and teeth overall.
  • Prevent Bone Loss: Misaligned teeth can lead to significant jawbone erosion over time.
  • Improved Chewing & Digestion: In severe cases, misaligned teeth can make eating and chewing a nightmare, which can affect your digestive system.
  • Help Your Speech: Speech can also be affected in severe cases of misaligned teeth. When you straighten them out, you’ll find you can make any sounds with complete ease.

How Long Is the Treatment?

If you plan on getting braces for teens or adults, you likely will want to know how long these things will be along for the ride. The good news is that in most cases, your orthodontic treatment should be around 16-18 months. In some cases, you might have an even shorter treatment, but other cases might require two years or more.

When you come in for your evaluation, we can provide you with a timeline of how long your treatment should last. To minimize the amount of time your treatment takes, it will be important to come in on time for your tightening appointments and checkups. However, the end results will be worth the wait, as your teeth should remain aligned for years to come. In some cases, though, you made require a retainer after braces to help keep your teeth in their new positions.

Schedule Your Appointment

There is no time like the present to get started on your orthodontic treatment! Contact us today to set up an appointment to learn more about our options for braces for teens and adults in our Los Angeles office. We work closely with every patient to match them with their ideal treatment to give them a smile they will love.

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