How to Prepare for Braces

Braces can transform your smile in addition to a variety of other health benefits. This can be a really exciting time due to the changes that will occur over the course of treatment. One of the important, yet overlooked factors of braces treatment is the preparation process. Braces treatment comes with some minor changes to your daily life so it’s important to be prepared. Below you will find some helpful tips for how to prepare for braces treatment.

How to Prepare for Braces

Braces are a very common orthodontic treatment. This is great for those who want to get the treatment as there is a plethora of knowledge about the treatment, including how to prepare. Consider the following preparation tips if you are getting braces.

Choose Wisely:

Dental anxiety is not uncommon and you should never feel alone if you have this issue. While there have been major advancements in the dental industry, sometimes the experience can be anxiety-provoking. Finding an orthodontist that is patient and helps you feel supported is key. Dental professionals with empathy for their patients can make something you are worried about so much easier. Choose your orthodontist wisely so you can feel comfortable on your journey to a brighter smile.

Check Your Calendar:

You may feel some pain and swelling after getting braces. If you can, take a few days off after you get them so you can focus on getting adjusted. Avoid any major events as you may not feel up to it. You will also need to adjust your diet so being home a few days after getting braces can be helpful.

Get Your Supplies:

Depending on the type of braces treatment you get, you’ll likely need to stock up on some new supplies. For example, those with traditional braces should stock up on orthodontic wax. This can help avoid any irritation on the inside of your mouth as you adjust to braces. If you are getting Invisalign treatment, consider getting the cleaning solution necessary to keep your aligners in top shape. Talk with your orthodontist and any friends or family who have had braces to see what supplies you may need.

Brainstorm Meals:

After you get dental braces in Los Angeles you’ll need to make some adjustments to your diet. Avoid eating anything hard, crunchy, or chewy the first few days after you get braces. Smoothies, soup, pudding, and yogurt are all great options after you get braces. Avoid foods high in sugar as well. Find some fun recipes and stock your fridge before you get your braces to be sure you can focus on your normal daily routine without feeling hungry.

Pain Reliever:

You may experience some pain and discomfort after your first get braces for teens and adults. This can also happen as you change aligners or get your braces tightened. It’s not a cause for concern, so just have some pain relievers and cold compresses on hand. This can help get you through the adjustment period without issue.

Stay Calm:

If you have some fears about getting braces, that’s okay. Try to remain calm before the procedure as high-stress levels can impact your emotional and physical health. Distract yourself the week before getting braces. Schedule dinner with friends, work a few extra hours, and get some exercise. This can help you stay healthy and avoid ruminating over getting braces.

The Big Day:

On the day of treatment you should arrive a little early to be sure you can check-in and get settled. Before getting to the dental office, eat a small meal and brush your teeth. Talk with your orthodontist about what you can do as they are working. Listening to music, meditating, or watching your favorite series can all help pass the time. Before you leave the office, take some pain relievers and apply a cold compress throughout the rest of the day.

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