Should I Choose Invisalign or Braces?

Both Invisalign and braces are effective orthodontic treatment options. They can improve your oral health and transform the look of your smile. If you are considering orthodontic treatment you may wonder, should I choose Invisalign or braces? Below you will find the pros and cons of each treatment method so you can decide which is right for you.

Should I Choose Invisalign or Braces?

It’s important to consult with a skilled orthodontist about your unique oral health. They can help provide you with effective advice on which treatment option is right for you. Consider the following pros and cons of both Invisalign and braces.

Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treatment includes a series of clear aligners. The treatment is FDA-approved and helps correct crooked teeth. The custom-made aligners are intended to apply pressure on your teeth to guide them into the desired position.

Invisalign Pros


Invisalign treatment includes a series of retainers that are clear. This provides a more discreet aesthetic as compared to traditional braces. For adults who are considering braces treatment, clear aligners are a clear benefit of Invisalign treatment.


Traditional braces can cause sores in your mouth as you get adjusted to treatment. Both traditional braces and Invisalign apply pressure to get your teeth into position. However, Invisalign in Los Angeles retainers are more comfortable overall.

Oral Care Ease:

Maintaining your oral care routine is much easier when it comes to Invisalign. You can easily pop out your aligner and clean your teeth without having to navigate around wires and brackets.

Invisalign Cons

Cannot Address Complex Issues:

Unlike traditional braces treatment, Invisalign cannot treat complex dental issues. Most patients require minor straightening, which is easily achievable with Invisalign.

Requires Discipline:

To stay on your treatment timeline you’ll need to wear your aligners between 20 to 22 hours each day. This can be difficult for many patients to keep up with so it’s important to stay disciplined.

Requires Removal:

Traditional braces stay attached to your teeth. But Invisalign requires removal when you eat or drink anything outside of plain water.

Braces Treatment

Traditional braces treatment involves the application of brackets and wires that are tightened to straighten your teeth. Traditional braces are effective in treating complex dental issues.

Braces Pros

Multiple Options:

Traditional braces with wires are what most people think of. However, there are multiple options, including ceramic braces and lingual braces. Ceramic braces offer a discreet look. In addition, lingual braces go behind your teeth so they are also more discreet.

Beverage Drinking:

Unlike Invisalign treatment, you are free to drink whatever you want. You won’t have to remove any aligners or worry about warping your aligners.

Comprehensive Treatment:

Traditional dental braces in Los Angeles offer solutions to minor and complex dental issues. They are more effective in treating complex dental issues.

Braces Cons


Metal braces can be uncomfortable. It can get a little easier as you progress through treatment. However, when you have your braces tightened you may experience some of the same discomfort as you did when you transitioned into treatment.

Limitations with Certain Foods:

Due to the wires and brackets, you’ll need to avoid certain foods. Anything that can get stuck or damage your brackets is off-limits. Talk with your orthodontist about what you can eat and what you should avoid during treatment.

More Dental Appointments:

You’ll likely have more dental appointments with traditional braces. Invisalign treatment visits can often be done remotely, but traditional braces require that you come into the office.

Treatment in Los Angeles

Interested in braces or Invisalign? Contact the experts at The Best Brace Place. We have years of experience in orthodontic treatment and can help you transform your smile. Contact our office today for a consultation!

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