Will I Need a Retainer After Braces?

Improving your smile can be achieved through braces treatment. Braces are an effective way to address dental issues such as crooked teeth, misalignment, gaps, and overcrowding. Orthodontic treatment extends beyond the period where you wear braces as there are necessary steps to preserve your results after treatment. You may wonder, will I need a retainer after braces? Below you will find helpful information about retainers, their purpose, and how to care for your teeth after braces.

Will I Need a Retainer After Braces?

Orthodontic treatment can dramatically transform your smile. Not only can the treatment provide you with aesthetic benefits, but it can also result in long-term oral health benefits. One of the most important considerations for those who have had braces treatment is your post-braces care. You will absolutely need to wear a retainer after braces as it will ensure your results last. This is because a retainer keeps your teeth from moving after being straightened with braces.

Purpose of Retainers

Orthodontic retainers in Downtown LA are necessary to preserve your results. Orthodontic treatment is focused on repositioning your teeth. The natural position of your teeth is changed through braces treatment. If left alone, your teeth will naturally shift back, which can destroy the progress made during treatment. This is why many people need orthodontic treatment multiple times. You can avoid this by wearing your retainer for the prescribed amount of time after you get your braces off. Retainers also allow your bone that holds your teeth in place to rebuild around the new position. Your body changes throughout your whole life, including your teeth, gums, and jaw, so it’s important to take proactive measures to maintain your results.

Wearing Your Retainer After Braces

Your orthodontist in Downtown LA will provide you with instructions on when and how often to wear your retainer after braces. It is important to follow their instructions to ensure your results last. Depending on your unique needs, you need to wear your retainer all day every day after treatment. This can be as short as four months, while others may need to wear theirs for up to one year. After that, you will only need to wear it at nighttime. Most orthodontists recommend wearing your retainer at night indefinitely to effectively preserve your results after braces.

Retainer Tips Post-Braces

Not only do you need to wear your retainer for the recommended amount of time, but you also need to care for it. Consider the following retainer tips that can help you easily transition into life without braces.

  • Clean Regularly: It’s important to regularly clean your retainer. Because it is so close to your teeth, harmful bacteria can easily transfer to your teeth and gums and impact your oral health. Clean your retainer when you brush and floss your teeth. Talk with your orthodontist about what products to use with your specific retainer. Clean your retainer case when you clean your retainer as well.
  • Avoid Heat: This applies to things you consume, in addition to where you leave your retainer. Heat can warp your retainer and completely destroy its structure. It often requires replacement due to the damage.
  • Use Your Retainer Case: Keep your retainer case with you at all times. This can help you keep your retainer clean when you need to remove it. It can also ensure that you don’t put your retainer on an unsanitary surface or accidentally leave it somewhere. Some people use napkins to set their retainer on when they eat, but this is unsanitary and can increase your risk of losing it by accidentally throwing it away.
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